
...everybody has one.

16 comentarios:

Vhrsti dijo...

Hi Maldito! This is perfect! I admire almost all your fantastic works here, I think you are brilliant draftsman, but this picture is simply and very very funny!
Best regards!

Anna Nadler dijo...

I like this very much! Are those fingers on a hand revolting? great work

Anónimo dijo...

Love the rectangle heads style. Great drawing. Great idea.

Art Germinate dijo...

They seem overwhelmed by all the opinions floating around.

Zari dijo...

muy buena composicion! ;)

milanrubio dijo...


Juan dijo...


Sierras Root dijo...

I like this one too. You have some great work on your blog, very enjoyable.

Maldito Columpio dijo...

Vhrsti: ...Almost!?!
just kidding :D

Anna Nadler: Thanks, Actually I have'nt notice that
they look like fingers... but I'll use the
description for now on.
Katie, E du Plessis, Zari, Milan, Juan and Sierras:

Mixed Media Martyr dijo...

Captures the topic brilliantly!! Great illo!!!

Vanessa Brantley Newton dijo...

You are right about that. Everyone has an opinion. My opinion of the piece is WONDERFUL! I love your line work simply marvelous!

ArtSparker dijo...

I enjoy the variety of work on your blog.

Maldito Columpio dijo...

I gess I'm a bit schizophrenic :-D

Bárbara dijo...

Sin palabras, sobretodo por las palabras de los otros.besos

Canan dijo...

Bla, Bla, Bla...Bla.


Unknown dijo...

i love this drawing