
Si estás por Madrid este verano
puedes venir a ver la exposición
de Clara León en EL BESO
calle Loreto y Chicote 9

6 comentarios:

Vanessa Brantley Newton dijo...

This is so cool!! I hope I get to come to Madrid soon. I would love to see this. I love the post of what is under your bed! Hilarious!! You are so talented and so funny! This was wonderful. Thanks so much for you kind words. I really appreciate your kindness. Thanks again my friend.

dani torrent dijo...

Aún no tengo el verano planeado, pero si voy a Madrid (es una de mis posibilidades) no voy a perdérmelo!!!

Maldito Columpio dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
justdoodleit dijo...

Beautiful! The soft blue is so cool.

Maldito Columpio dijo...

he suprimido mi propia entrada porque era incomprensible.

Thanks Vanessa you are the best!

Muchas gracias Dani, la expo no es gran cosa pero claro que me encantaría que te pasaras :)

justdoodleit, I guess blue is my favorite color, 'cos I used it all the time

CARLA MANEA illustrator dijo...

Grazie per aver visitato il mio blog!
E complimenti per le tue illustrazioni!
Thank you for visiting my blog!
And congratulations for your illustrations! They are precius and VERY NICE! :-)